Level 3, 179 Queen StreetMelbourne VIC
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1300 556 140
Level 3, 179 Queen Street
Melbourne VIC
Melbourne VIC

Forum Rep

5 reasons why you need a lawyer to perform your conveyance
5 reasons why a lawyer should perform your conveyance

5 things you didnt know about Domestic Building Contracts
5 Things you should know before you sign a Major Domestic Building Contract

Building or Renovating your home driving you Crazy!
Building or Renovating your home driving you Crazy?

Building or Renovating your home driving you Crazy!
Building or Renovating your home driving you Crazy?
About Us
Dedicated Building and Construction Lawyers for Melbourne Homeowners, Owner Builders and Developers.
Boutique Lawyers does one thing, and one thing really well—provide counsel in the area of building law. We handle all of your building law needs in the jurisdiction of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal—building disputes for defective works, litigation regarding contractual disputes,
property and conveyancing, and debt recovery.
Homeowners, builders, and property developers—we will make sure you are well represented.
About Us
Guess what? If you’re looking at buying a new home, building or have a dispute with your builder or tradesperson, with the right representation you will get the result you want.
There are many things to consider when you’re building, buying or renovating your home. We focus on helping home owners in every facet of building law and conveyancing
Pricing Philosophy
We can’t focus on getting you results if we’re busy watching the clock. So we don’t. We bill a fixed fee price and we do what it takes to win your case